Release note
Release note
December 18, 2024

Christmas (hotfix+) release Curriculum 11.4 / 11.5

This release is a hotfix+ release that fixes some issues found in the 11.4 release and additional functionality that couldn't wait till the formal 11.5 release. The release notes provide information on the features and improvements in this Christmas version.


The issues mentioned under the section improvements are considered as new functionality, user experience improvements and bug fixes.

Extend support for ILO (subject) management - CUR-1337

Several options have been added to the management of subjects (ILO) on specification, study and module level, focussed on improving the usability for users.

  • Improved visualisation of the assigned subjects to specification, study and module‍
  • Enhanced support for bulk select, based on a given parent
    A 'Compare to' option is added to select the parent and show all subjects assigned/defined for that parent.
    The parent is changeable, allowing support for modules that are given in multiple studies.

    If the 'Compare to' is empty all subject defined in the hierarchy are shown. This allows to bulk select subjects on a study using its (parent) specification.
Select the hierarchical object that will provide the subjects (compare to), will show all subjects defined at the parent and enable toggles for 'quick select' individual options or a toggle for a subject category (in the header line) to select all subjects with one click.
In case the Compare to is not specified, and the bulk select options is selected, the defined subjects defined on the hierarchical parent are shown (and selected by default).

Extended person-based processes (availability) to support non-person actors - CUR-1361

The person-based process of gathering availability only supported the assigned person (logged in user) as actor. enabling for instance the lecturer to provide its availability.

The process will now support the notion of a 'person related' action/actor and any other actor based on a role in the system. The practical implementation is a process that will first ask the user its availability and then aks the faculty or organisation manager for approval.

In the configuration two changes have been made to support / steer the above process functionality.

  • Add the Organisation the user belongs to the Person configuration
    Now both Faculty and Organisation can be used for assigning the person. This allows for selection of the correct stakeholder based on either a faculty role or a organisation role.
Define the persons Faculty or Organisation to be used to determine the hierarchical process stakeholder
  • A new configuration flag 'personal' is added to the workflow configuration
    By setting the flag 'personal' the workflow is considered to be for the logged in user, e.g. the lecturer that provides the availability. In case the workflow is not flagged as 'personal' the workflow actor is determined based on the hierarchical role (faculty or organisation)
Workflow is not 'personal', the actor is determined based on the hierarchical faculty role
Workflow is 'personal', the actor is the logged in user (lecturer).

Custom-field with name duration should show the assigned label - CUR-1356

Fixed a user interface bug where labels of a custom-field with the name duration (on method) was not respected, but always showed the label 'duration'.

Placeholder [dynamic_link] should provide a correct link (url) - CUR-1352

When using the placeholder [dynamic_link] in notifications, the generated link (url) was incorrect and didn't navigate to the expected page. This has been fixed so the correct link is generated and used in the sent notifications.

URL should be remained after login - CUR-1363

In case a direct link to a page in Curriculum is used, for instance directly jump to the structure page of study ABC this path was lost in case the user was not logged in. The effect was that the user had to login and ended on the dashboard. This has been changed, so instead of ending on the dashboard, the initial url is respected and the correct page will be opened for the user.

UI gives an unexpected error Cannot find module './undefined.js' - CUR-1367

On rare occasions when switching the language in Curriculum a strange error page appeared with the message Cannot find module './undefined.js' appeared. The cause is found and is fixed, so this message will no longer appear when switching language.


The issues mentioned under the section integration are considered as extension, improvements or bug fixes related to the Curriculum API, OOAPI and/or CSV import functionality.

Bugfixes event based messaging of method-events- CUR-1358

In the previous release support has been added to use the event based messaging on method changes / approvals.
Findings found by using this first implementation, e.g. not properly processing / showing the proposed changes, have been (hot)fixed in this release.


An integral part of our develop and build processes is automatic scanning for known security vulnerabilities. The vulnerabilities will be fixed based on their impact, which means that in some cases an immediate hot-fix will be applied, and in other cases the vulnerability will be fixed in the current or next Sprint (release). The security section provides an overview of the vulnerabilities mitigated.

No vulnerabilities were reported during the part of the sprint that lead to this Christmas release.

For more information on reported vulnerabilities, see the central database of vulnerabilities.

For more guidance on configuration and setup of Curriculum, use the relevant Curriculum manual.

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