Release note
Release note
June 28, 2024

New release Curriculum 10.21

The release notes provide information on the features and improvements in the specified version.

Improvements and bug fixes

CONFIGURATION - Extended the support for specifying teaching weeks - CUR-634

The activity week option 'Select all teaching weeks' supports selecting all teaching weeks marked in one go. The configuration of which week type is an education week was based on the CODE of the week, that must be EDUCATION.

A configuration option is added to specify which week type should be considered as education week. This allows to use different coding and select multiple defined week types as teaching week.

Configuration: User the default selected option in the Admin > Elements (week type) configuration.

Use the 'Default selected' checkbox to define the weeks considered as teaching weeks

USABILITY- Links in supporting texts (workflow) should open in a new tab - CUR-652

When a user clicked a link used to provide more detail in a workflow explanation text, the link was opened in the same page. This has been changed to improve the user experience by opening these links in a separate tab, instead of overwriting the current tab the user is working in.

ADMINISTRATOR, BUG - Fixed bug using an empty initial value in code generation - CUR-698

Fixed a bug in the unique code generation where the generate function for two digits would initially shows a blank value.

Now the generate function always generates the expected amount of characters.

BUG - Processes run as popup now correctly saves on last page - CUR-604

Fixed a bug where a process running in popup mode did not correctly save the last page after completion.

Now the save will automatically be triggered after completion.

USABILITY, BUG - Users should not be confronted with technical 'Unauthorized' information - CUR-648

The faculties 'Specifications' tab showed technical information to Unauthorized users. This has been changed, by not showing this information and only show the specification tab when the user has VIEW_SPECIFICATION rights.

Users should not see the Unauthorized message, but should not see the tab at all

USABILITY, CONFIGURATION - Extend the supported placeholder in notification templates - CUR-697

The notification placeholders are extended supporting an object identifier (external_id) and object code. Furthermore all placeholders will now be evaluated 'case insensitive', allowing to use not only [DYNAMIC_LINK], but also [dynamic_link] or [DyNaMiC_LInk].

The placeholders added are:

  • [OBJECT_ID] for object id (externalID)
  • [OBJECT_CODE] for object code (code)

This addition allows to use the code and externalId for all objects. For instance a notification defined on a faculty can now show the faculty externalId, faculty code and faculty name by using:

  • The faculty [OBJECT_NAME] with external Id [OBJECT_ID] and code [OBJECT_ CODE] has been changed.
    leading to
  • The faculty Sciences with external Id 5789833 and code SCE has been changed

ADMINISTRATOR, BUG - Support added for custom fields on faculty admin tab - CUR-752

As an administrator it was supported to extend the faculty object by defining own custom fields, just like on any other object. However, we noticed the faculty admin tab didn't show these custom fields, making it only accessible via API or CSV import.

This has been fixed, and a custom field  configured on faculty level is now default shown in the admin tab and editable.

IMPROVEMENT, BUG - The depth of the data copied in the year roll-over is extended - CUR-754-758, CUR-767

The year roll-over is getting an overhaul. In the previous sprints we improved the usability providing a more admin-friendly user experience. Furthermore we added the options to choose for a complete copy, or only the copy of data for a selected faculty/faculties.

This sprint we added some objects (and their data) to the year copy logic:

  • Method scheme
  • Time blocks
  • Period resit
  • Objectives
  • Assessments
  • Methods

BUG - The 'button option' display type on fields was not shown when read-only - CUR-773

Fixed a bug where buttons groups were not visible in read-only reports and reports that based on rights were shown read-only to the user.

INTEGRATION - Fixed: abbreviation was sent when (visually) empty - CUR-777

The OOAPI filter will standard not send any field that is null (empty). The situation where abbreviation has been filled and was cleared didn't evaluate the field as null (empty), but as "" (empty). From a technical perspective this is a different situation.

The issue was noted on the program.abbreviation that shown as an empty string "" causing the RIO validation to fail, since it can ben 'not send' or should have a length between 1 and 40.

Now all empty values, either null, "" or [] will be ignored and left out of the response. Correctly following the OOAPI v5 specifications.

INTEGRATION, STUDY GUIDE - The qualifications API enables retrieving multiple qualifications - CUR-776

The canonical qualification API required a study parameter, limiting the retrieval of qualifications for the given study.

Adjustments have been made to allow retrieval of all qualifications in one single API call. The study parameter is optional, and by not providing a study all qualifications will be retrieved.

INTEGRATION - Activity weeks in API must be in calendar - CUR-760

The API will only support (return) activity weeks that are inside the boundary of the academic calendar. When an activity exceeds the calendar year end date it is no longer shown.

There is also a change applied to the 'activity copy' that will include a new filter. The filter will not copy activities that will end up after the end date of the academic year. A situation this could happen if the activities from semester 1 are copied to semester 2. In case for instance the resit for semester 1 exceeded the semester and was planned in week 10 of semester 2, the copy to semester 2 would create an activity outside the boundaries of the academic year. With the new filter all activities will be created, except the resit that exceeds the year boundary.

Security improvements

SECURITY - Implemented OWASP fixes

During this Sprint / Release no vulnerabilities where reported.

Detailed information can be found at the central database of vulnerabilities.

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