Release note
Release note
August 9, 2024

New release Curriculum 10.24

The release notes provide information on the features and improvements in the specified version.

Improvements and bug fixes

BUG - As a user it should not be possible to add a assessment in a method-scheme - CUR-868

When enabling the option to add other teaching method types underneath a method in the method-scheme, it was possible to not only select the method-type, but also the category.
This last one enabled users to add assessments to a method-scheme, that were incorrectly created and not visible shown in the method-tree overview.

This issue is solved, so it is no longer possible to create methods with a different category underneath the parent method.

USABILITY, BUG - A required number field should stay empty in case no default value is defined - CUR-816

Defining a custom-field of type Number that is defined as a required should show an empty field to the users, and force them to enter a value.
The required Number field, with no default value set, was automatically populated with a 0, so the user could save the page without filling out any value (since there was a 0).

This issue is solved, so required Number fields with no default value are shown empty with a required indication.

Required numeric fields are no longer auto-filled with a 0

WORKLOAD MANAGEMENT, REPORTING - New report: division of staff per study over the different organisations - CUR-855

A new workload management report is added that reports on the total hours assigned per Study and the division of the total over the different defined organisations.
The report will provide insight in what organisations are most frequently used by studies. It can also provide insight in the spread between internal staff members and external staff members by just allocating all external staff to a separate organisation.

The report looks like:

Report on hours obtained from the different department by study


New labels are added, that will have a default value. The administrator can adjust these labels, using the Administration -> Label menu.

  • Static.Page.Workload.Study
  • Static.Page.Workload.Total

The page configuration is using the standard method for defining pages:

  • Route (page template): select the new added workload-study-report
  • Define name and title and add the page to the relevant workflow or as a tab to f.i. the organisation tab-configuration
Configure the new report

PROCESS MANAGEMENT - Difference in totals between process manager and process report - CUR-865

There is a difference in the total and numbers shown per status for process manager and process report. This has been solved by adjusting the process report that incorrectly was also counting information marked as ignored.

We noticed there still can be a minor difference leading to a higher number of 'tasks' to be started in the process manager. This is f.i. caused by the fact that some persons have multiple assignments and therefor tasks. Due to the fact the process manager supports the definition of tasks (that can have multiple assignee) and the process manager is looking at individual task irrespective of the number of assigned users there will always be a minor difference. Where the issue being solved could lead to a difference in count of 700 for 2700 tasks.

ADMINISTRATION, ROBUSTNESS - Removed fields still in use on custom pages should be visible - CUR-872

In case an earlier created field is deleted (field has no assigned values yet), the field could still be configured to be shown on a page. This leads to a background error, the user doesn't see and is not affected. The administrator was not able to fix this background error, since the field defined on the page was no longer shown, so it couldn't be removed.

A fix is applied that for this specific case show the removed field with display 'muted' and strike-through to show the administrator a no longer existing field is defined on the page. And allowing the administrator to remove this field from the page.

A screenshot partly in Dutch to celebrate the Olympics, showing the deleted field muted and strike-through.

REPORTING - Extend the available reporting fields for module-group - CUR-863

The selectable reporting fields for module-group is extended with:

  • Choice type
  • Choice value

REPORTING - Extend the reporting fields for specification, study, module-group and module with credit and capacity - CUR-861

The selectable reporting fields for study, module-group and module is extended with the option to select the individual custom-fields defined on the credit or capacity object.
It was already possible to show 'credits', but this is a pre-defined reporting field with login around the maximum, optimum and minimum value, to show the most relevant value.

The reporting is extended supporting the individual custom-fields, enabling just showing the minimum or a self-defined custom credit field.

The defined custom-fields for credit/capacity are available for reporting

Selection of the field(s) will show the values for these fields as individual columns.

Add the individual fields to the report to show their respective value, including fully self-defined custom fields

Security improvements

And still it's holiday season for the security issues. This sprint no new vulnerabilities popped-up.

Detailed information can be found at the central database of vulnerabilities.

For more guidance on configuration and setup of Curriculum, use the relevant Curriculum manual.

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