Release note
Release note
October 17, 2024

New release Curriculum 11.0

The release notes provide information on the features and improvements in the specified version.

New major release - version 11

This release we will switch to a new major release, version 11.

We've developing from the start using a standard user interface framework to provide all the nice functionality and screens to all user types. The framework is getting outdated, so it is time to migrate to a brand new user interface framework. A lot of time has already been spent in the previous sprints to investigate and test the options to run both frameworks simultaneously, and allow a gradual migration.

Based on the investigation we will not go for the big-bang, but perform a gradual migration of the user interface and its screens. They will be replaced step by step with the new, improved library and look and feel.

We understand there might be impact on screens caused by this migration, and therefor we've reserved room in our Sprints to quickly fix (hotfix or release fix) issues that pop-up due to the migration.


Support trim() in expression for formatting - CUR-1082

A new function 'trim' has been added and can be used in expressions. The trim() function will remove any leading and trailing spaces.


  • trim(' What do you want? '), will evaluate to 'What do you want?'
  • trim(join(' This is a ', ' test ', 'to trim a joined text '), will evaluate to 'This is a test to trim a joined text'.
  • trim(:localName), will remove the leading and trailing spaces from the custom-field localName.

Track report should show assessment/method activities and filter on offering - CUR-1078

The Track report has been extended and will now also shows activities on method and assessment level.
The page is also added to the page templates and is freely configureable as tab or workflow page.

Extend the subject matrix download as CSV/Excel with the related objectives - CUR-1056

Objectives are now included in the subject matrix download function (CSV or Excel)

The curriculum mapping matrix shows the subjects and related objectives

Using the Excel/CSV export the report is saved, including an extra column for the related objectives.

Workflow conditions based on fields not in a form (like :assessmentId and/or :(method)) require refresh to be applied - CUR-1003

Fixes a bug where the 'Next' button in workflows did not correctly re-evaluate conditions before navigating.

Only show active persons on person report - CUR-996

A change has been made so only active persons are displayed in the person report.
A person is considered active if the start/end date of the person overlaps with the academic year.

Display status transitions in history on workflow welcome page - CUR-1053

Status transitions including feedback are now also displayed in the 'history panel' at the bottom of the workflow welcome page.

Configuration: Select the 'Show status' checkbox to show the status transitions including given comments.

Embed images as URL in description - CUR-933

When using images in the HTML description, the images were encoded added to the HTML text, leading to 'large data objects' impacting performance in retrieving, editing and interfacing information.

A new image server is implemented that will be used to save the image (automatically). The HTML text will only contain the URL (reference) to the image. This approach will be beneficial for retrieving, editing and interfacing information due to the limited size of the data.

Improve selection of page templates (route) in the page management- CUR-905

The number of supported page templates in Curriculum has grown quit rapidly, and is already over 100 templates. The templates can be used to define and configure the behaviour of the pages used in tabs and workflows.

The page template (route) selector used in the page list and page details is updated to a searchable dropdown, making it easier to find the right template in the list.

To select the right page template it is now possible to search in the list of available templates

Redesigned request logs and prevent browser crash - CUR-982

The request log page has been redesigned and improved in performance, preventing the browser (Chrome) from crashing on large messages.

Added subject category configuration on objective page to restrict selection to one or more subject categories- CUR-83

On the objective page it is now possible to configure which subject categories can be added to the objectives. This only works if the option "Select all subjects" is selected. If no categories are configured, the subjects of all categories can be added.

The subject selection for the objective page can be limited to the defined categories


Support canonical person find by UID - CUR-1083

The person API is extended and will support the retrieval of persons by UID, e.g. /import/v2/person/17b04990-45f5-4388-8afa-71414a61e4cf.
This option has been extended to the OOAPI v5 implementation, which now also supports retrieval of persons by UID.

Event-based push of version (light weight message) to ESB - CUR-1076

A new event-based export message named 'canonical:sendVersion_v2' is added., The message payload only contains the entity type/id and version.
This message can be used for event based support, just like the standard event-based message.

The difference in implementation is:

  • Standard message (e.g. module, study, ...) will sent the complete message that can be processed by the ESB directly. The standard message can be quit data intensive.
  • Version message will sent the type (module, study, ...) and the latest version. The ESB can use this information to retrieve the actual information from Curriculum and process the received message.

OOAPI -> RIO program offering information should contain all offerings since 2023-2024 - CUR-1047

A configuration option is added to define from what year the offerings should be sent to RIO.
The standard configuration will only sent the program offering for the active (OOAPI) year.

At request the configuration can be changed to sent offerings from a specific start year

  • ascme.openapi.v5.since: 2023-09-01

CSV uploads of type 'TRACK' is missing - CUR-1114

As a result of the renaming of the object type Meeting to Track, the CSV import for Track was no longer available. This has been fixed, so upload of Tracks using CSV is supported again.

Extend CSV import for subject to support abbreviations- CUR-1032

The CSV import for subject is extended and will now allow to specify an abbreviation on the subject type.

Canonical API providing information on the sub-types will provide the External ID - CUR-874

Values in the canonical API will exchange the reference External ID as sub-type. This used to be the code.
In case no external ID is defined, the fall-back will be to exchange the the code.

Example with the subType external ID being PERSON_SPECIALISM:

{   "name": "specialism",  "type": "REFERENCE",  "subType": "PERSON_SPECIALISM",  "values": [    "English"  ]},

Reference configuration with a different external ID and code

Automatic transform HTML to Markdown to support OOAPI text formatting - CUR-309

The OOAPI specification defines texts should be exchange using Markdown for styling. The Curriculum implementation exchanged the  descriptive texts as defined in Curriculum, being either Text, HTML or Markdown. A change has been made to automatically transform HTML texts to Markdown when exchanging using OOAPI.


This release mitigates the following vulnerabilities:

  • CVE-2024-47554 - CUR-1073
  • CVE-2024-9329 (false positive) - CUR-1073

For more information, see the central database of vulnerabilities.

For more guidance on configuration and setup of Curriculum, use the relevant Curriculum manual.

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