Release note
Release note
March 21, 2025

New release Curriculum 11.10

The release notes provide information on the features and improvements in the specified version.


The issues mentioned under the section improvements are considered as new functionality, user experience improvements and bug fixes.

New feature: automated translation to other language(s) - CUR-1569

An option is added to support automated translation of descriptive texts. The translation service is using AI-translation in the background to translate the texts from one language to another.

In case the 'translate option' is activated, a Translate button will appear in the description pages. When clicking the button a popup appears that will allow the user to select the source and destination language and select the text boxes to be translated. By default all empty text boxes from the destination language are selected, to prevent from accidentally overwriting already available texts. The user can select and/or deselect to specify the text boxes to be translated.

Specify the source and destination language and the text boxes to be translated.

The AI translation service will perform the translation and write the results to the different selected text boxes. The user can now validate, adjust and/or save the translated information.

Start with Dutch and translate it to different languages

This is for Curriculum the first functionality defined as a feature flag option. This means that by default this functionality is not available and a request should be made to the service desk or the account representative to enable this function.

Pages in workflow having a date field doesn't show the date picker - CUR-1633

When using a page template with a date field in a workflow the date picker was not shown correctly. This has been fixed, so the date picker is visible and accessible on pages both in the tabular format and workflows.

New feature: Assigning a level to a subject (learning outcome) should support mulitple values - CUR-1547

An addition has been made to the curriculum mapping to support the definition of multiple levels on a learning outcome. Both the definition and the visualisation has been adapted to support multi-value level definition.

Multiple values can be defined on a subject (learning outcome)
The curriculum mapping matrix shows the assigned multiple values

Enlarge the feedback information on change text field - CUR-1530

The option to provide feedback when sending a workflow to the next status / stakeholder only supported a single line text. This has been changed to a multi-line textfield to support providing more detail information to the next stakeholder.

HTML text editor should show italic text as italic - CUR-1612

When marking text as italic or a combination of a different style (bold, underline) with italic the text was correctly saved, but not displayed as italic in the editor. This has been solved, so the italic marked texts are both saved and displayed correctly.

As a user I want to perform bulk changes on activities - CUR-1511

The bulk change option has been added to the activity report, providing the same support as the other objects like module and study.

Bulk change supported for activities

As a user I want to drag an activity to the last position in the activity grid - CUR-1528

The activity grid support moving activities using drag and drop, but dragging an activity after all other activities in a week didn't work. This has been fixed so it is possible to drag and drop an activity to any position in the week.

Support aded for conditions on availability types (Element schedule preferences) - CUR-1625

The availability types (Element schedule preferences) is extend to support conditional lists. This will support definition of availabilities that differ between for instance faculties.

The language chooser should show the options in the appropriate language - CUR-1586

The language selector showed all available languages in the standard character set, using the international technical abbreviation for the language. A change has been made to show the language in the appropriate character set.

Language selector shows the language in the appropriate character set

Workload management method type related workload should be allocated to correct user - CUR-1595

Depending on the used calculation rule on method level the allocation of the calculated hours was assigned to the allocated user (:activity_hours) or to all users (any other calculation rule). This has been fixed so the allocation will be done to the assigned user only.

Furthermore the sum of all calculated and allocated hours has been revised to properly provide the total actual hours and the total calculated effort hours in the footer.

Workload management should support division of load at activity level - CUR-1596

The workload allocation at relation level supports the division of the calculated hours over the assigned persons to the specific relation. E.g. a division of 30,20,50% over 3 lecturers. In case the workload is calculated based on the assignment of a person to a single activity there was no support to divide the calculated hours in case more persons were allocated. They would all get the calculated hours.

A new functionallity is added to support not only the allocation of multiple persons to the same activity, but also define the load division between them when assigning a person to an activity.

Division of the effort at activity level

Workload management filtering on educational tasks extended - CUR-1592

The filtering on educational tasks, both at a generic and calculation rule condition level is extended with support for filtering on the facultyId.

At global level filtering is now supported for:

  • organisation (will be kept for backward compliance)
  • organisationId (to conform to the standard for all conditions)
  • facultyId

Workload management division of allocation added to effort-list - CUR-1638

The effort-list page showing all relation related load has been optimised to only show the information for the assigned relations and provide the option to divide the allocation between the assigned persons if more than one person is assigned.

Furthermore, in case no value is provided, the calculation will default to 100%. This to prevent from having to always have to define a value in case only one person is assigned.

Number of groups used for lecturer assignment should be possible at method level - CUR-1578

The number of groups generated on the activity-series lecturer assignment screen are based on the number of groups defined on the activity-serie. This as been extended to also support the usage of number of groups defined at method level.

In case on both levels the number of groups are offered and defined, the value for activity-series will be used.

Group expansion for lecturer allocation can be based on method and/or activity-serie

As a user I want to be informed active that the preview function does save changes - CUR-1571

The preview function offered to 'test drive' a page or workflow allows for selecting an existing object (module, study, ...) from the system. Even though it is marked as preview, any change made to the data will be saved. This to support not only check the visual effect of the definition, but also test the behaviour configuration, e.g. conditions based on specific values.

To actively warn/inform users that changes are saved, a message will be shown.

Preview will show an informative message to warn data changes are saved

Required value validation on descriptions should not fail - CUR-1611

The validation if the required descriptive texts are provided failed since the HTML text box was not properly emptied. The validation saw 'data' that for a user was invisible and falsely marked the descriptive text to be available. This has been fixed, so the validation on required available data is executed correctly.

Availability information is shown in the incorrect weekday - CUR-1606

The availability data was not shown on the defined weekday, but was moved two days ahead. So the activity for Monday was shown on Wednesday. This has been hotfixed immediately, so the availability is shown on the correct weekdays again.


The issues mentioned under the section integration are considered as extension, improvements or bug fixes related to the Curriculum API, OOAPI and/or CSV import functionality.


An integral part of our develop and build processes is automatic scanning for known security vulnerabilities. The vulnerabilities will be fixed based on their impact, which means that in some cases an immediate hot-fix will be applied, and in other cases the vulnerability will be fixed in the current or next Sprint (release). The security section provides an overview of the vulnerabilities mitigated.

During this sprint, no vulnerabilities have been reported that need mitigation:

For more information on reported vulnerabilities, see the central database of vulnerabilities.

For more guidance on configuration and setup of Curriculum, use the relevant Curriculum manual.

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