Release note
Release note
February 21, 2025

New release Curriculum 11.8

The release notes provide information on the features and improvements in the specified version.


The issues mentioned under the section improvements are considered as new functionality, user experience improvements and bug fixes.

Person name should be shown in assignments report - CUR-1516

The name of the person related to the assignment was not shown in the assignment reports. This has been solved, so the persons' name is correctly shown in the various assignment related reports, including the assignments report.

Activity type should respect the field config - CUR-1524

The activity type didn't respect the field config, which lead to the option that in case the type was configured to be read-only, the user could still change it. This has been fixed, and the activity type field configuration is respected.

Not all fields are shown when creating a new Method - CUR-1515

In case custom-fields with conditions were used when creating a new Method in some cases not all fields were shown. This issue was caused by an incorrect clearing of the cache before creating the new Method and therefor showing incorrect fields. This has been solved, and when creating a new Method the correct fields will be shown.

Conditions for custom fields on module-group -> module-group relations should be respected - CUR-1504

Conditions to show / hide custom fields on the module-group -> module-group relation were not executed properly. This has been fixed, and now the conditional custom fields will be shown correctly.

Extend process status widget for method, assessment and person - CUR-1377

The process status widget is standard shown on the 'general' page of the object (module, study, ...). This widget was not yet supported for the method, assessment and person object. This has been added in this sprint, so the general tab will show the widget, showing the status and enable management of the the process for the object.

Process status on staff availability as shown on the person object

As a user I want to copy exam activities in the activity grid - CUR-1174

The activity grid offered support to copy teaching activities, but not the copy of exam activities. The option has been added to not only copy teaching activities, but also copy exam activities.

As a user I want to copy an activity series from the activity-list (in the method tree) - CUR-1499

Duplicating activity series is supported through the activity-grid. The option has been added to copy an activity series from the activity list too.

Curriculum mapping level selection should enable to define the information to be shown- CUR-1492

The level drop-down selection was not configurable showing not the desired information. A change has been applied to enable configuration of what information is shown, to enable distinction be only show the label or both the code and label.

Improve the visibility of the process status 'line' - CUR-1480, CUR-1492

The process status line provides an overview of the statuses and outstanding tasks per status in a process. In case a huge number of tasks were active, the number of tasks was unreadable. The visualisation is optimised by 'growing' the bullet with status and tasks information based on the amount of tasks. This will provide a clear insight in the tasks per status, even if there are ten thousands active.

Next to the visual change, the start date-time of process status has been added.

When sorting on weekdays in reports, the sorting should follow the logical order - CUR-1478

Reports showing weekdays and allowing to sort on weekdays performed the filtering based on the alphabetical value of the weekday. Putting for instance Friday as the first day of the week, and Monday the second due to the alphabetical sorting. A change has been made to the underlying datamodel for the weekdays to add support for adding an order. The end result is that reports showing weekdays will be filter the days in the correct chronological order.

Improve the usability of the person advanced search - CUR-1523

Based on feedback on usability of the advanced person search changes has been made to optimise the usability. The advanced search is extended by offering better support and guidance for filtering and keeping a cleaner overview.

The date-time format should show a date-time picker - CUR-1246

When using the date-time format on a custom field, a text string was shown, not really assisting the user in fill-in a correct value. A user-friendly date-picker is introduced that can be used on date-time custom fields to support the user in selecting the date and the time.

The date-time picker is used as a general solution not only for the date-time fields, but also for the date and time custom-fields. Where a date field will use the 'date part' of the date-time picker, the time field wil use the 'time part' of the date-time picker.

Date-time picker used to support users in specifying
date, time and date-time values.

Reports with time-blocks should show code instead of name - CUR-1529

The earlier integration related change for OOAPI to support the exchange of the time-block names changed the 'display' for time-blocks in all reports to the name. This has been reverted to only show the name in case of OOAPI message format, and show the code again the the reports.

Faculty Staff availability should contain all staff members with an (in)direct relation to the faculty - CUR-1541

The availability process enables filtering of persons based on faculty. This would only select persons with a direct relation to the faculty. The filter is extended to both include the persons with a relation to the faculty (direct) and an organisation within the faculty (indirect).

Extend resource management functionality

The upcoming sprints the resource management functionality is extended in order to manage resources (e.g. location, material, job, ...). The resources will be used in the budget-based cost calculations, to enable cost calculation based on the various used resources. Furthermore reports / insight will be provided when allocation resources in a specific week, that might overrun the available capacity of the resources.

Extend the management of resources to support custom-fields - CUR-1487

This is the first step, where the already available 'more or less hard-coded' resource management is modified to follow the model of the standard objects and custom-fields in the system. The custom-fields on the resource can now be configured and will be shown in the resource management screens.


The issues mentioned under the section integration are considered as extension, improvements or bug fixes related to the Curriculum API, OOAPI and/or CSV import functionality.

Extend Curriculum to Core integration to support availability - CUR-1481

The Curriculum to Core integration is extended with support to exchange the defined availability by the staff members in Curriculum to Core.


Step 1 - configure the start and end time on the element Timeblocks

At the bottom of the configuration of the Timeblock information, define the exact start and end time

Step 2 - exclude the not relevant availabilities on the element Availability

The external ID used in configuring the Availability should match the used name in Core.
The example exchanges the availability (when is the user available), and the externalID is set to A_AVAILABILITY and the availability itself is not excluded from import.

Mark the availability not to be exchanged by excluding it from import

Step 3 - configure the usage of te:sendAvailability on the person export type

The person Export type should be use the te-rest-api and use the te:sendAvailability requrest type.

Step 4 - configure the hook (if that is not already available)

The hook configuration uses the standard Export data method and will send to the te-rest-api

The final step is to enable the hook in the process of use the process manager to send availability to core.

Descriptions marked as 'ignore' should be excluded from the API messages - CUR-1543

The descriptions marked as 'ignore' were incorrectly not filtered from the API messages. This has been fixed, so the filtering is performed as expected.


An integral part of our develop and build processes is automatic scanning for known security vulnerabilities. The vulnerabilities will be fixed based on their impact, which means that in some cases an immediate hot-fix will be applied, and in other cases the vulnerability will be fixed in the current or next Sprint (release). The security section provides an overview of the vulnerabilities mitigated.

This release mitigates the following vulnerabilities:

  • CVE-2024-57699(8.69)

For more information on reported vulnerabilities, see the central database of vulnerabilities.

For more guidance on configuration and setup of Curriculum, use the relevant Curriculum manual.

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