New release Curriculum 11.9

The issues mentioned under the section improvements are considered as new functionality, user experience improvements and bug fixes.
Splitting an activity-serie should not give an error - CUR-1558
In case an activity-serie that has an external Id was split by updating a single activity in the serie and thus creating a new activity-serie an error was thrown. This has been fixed, so activities with and without external Id can now be separated into a new activity-serie without error.
Swapping an assignment doesn't swap the activities to the new assignee - CUR-1581
In case an educational task is moved to another assignee, the task is moved and shown on the task list of the new assignee. However, the assigned hours were still at 0 hours, and the module showed the activities were still assigned to the old assignee. In other words, the activities were not properly re-assigned to the new assignee.
A fix is applied that will properly re-assign the activities to the new assignee when swapping the assignee. This works both for 'named assignees' (staff members) and 'vacancies'.
Activities defined in one of two overlapping ad-hoc periods are shown in both periods - CUR-1577
In case a module has two ad-hoc offering periods with overlapping start and end dates, the activities defined in one of the ad-hoc periods were also shown in the other (overlapping) period. A fix is applied to implement a more strict matching of activities and offering periods, so the activities in overlapping ad-hoc periods are only shown in the correct ad-hoc period.
Qualifications should be manageable at study level - CUR-1556
The management of qualifications (add, create) was only supported from the specification level, allowing to add qualifications to a study that are defined on specification level. Since not all Curriculum implementations use the specification layer, it should be possible to manage qualification from the study level too.
The option has been added to manage (add, delete, link) qualifications at study level. The option is configurable to enable selection of a specification or study lead management of qualifications.
- In case no 'parent specification' is defined the add and edit buttons are enabled
- In case on the qualifications-awarded page template the option 'Show all' is set, adding an existing qualification will allow to add 'any' qualification.

Advanced person search should show all selected fields - CUR-1566
The configurable advanced person search allows for searching on persons and person attributes. The attributes can be added by the user, to extend the filter options. In case more attributes were added then the page-width can show, the fields at the left with the name of the found person ended up outside the visual area. A horizontal scroll-bar is added to the search in case the width of the configured search fields exceed the width of the page. This to allow the user to still access all fields and the matches found.
Enable use of icons in the Curriculum mapping scale/level abbreviation - CUR-1548
The Curriculum mapping scale/level definition support abbreviations that are used in the various reports. The abbreviations are used to get a clear overview without showing the complete name on each matching occurrence in for instance the matrix reports. A change is made to support use of font-awesome when defining an abbreviation. This allows to define '1-character' icons to be used in the visualisation.

It should be possible to hide the method type on the appraisal template - CUR-1549
The appraisal template default shows both the code + type and the type of the assessments. This feels like duplication of the type information. An option is added to hide the type information from the list by setting the configurable page option 'Hide type'.
The teacher assign page shows incorrect green checkmark - CUR-1576
The teacher assign page supports the user in adding staff members to the different activities and groups. In case an activity type is fully populated a green checkmark informs the user, otherwise a red cross is shown to indicate not all activities are populated. In not all cases the green checkmark was correctly shown, in some cases the green checkbox was shown when not all activities were populated.
The cause has been found and is adjusted to enable correct informing the users with the geen checkmark that all activities are populated.
Enable usage of the change management report as a read-only report - CUR-1568
The change (management) report provides an overview of all changes applied and allows management of the changes, e.g. approval. A configuration option is added to the page template to enable using the change report as a read-only report.
Create a new page based on the change template and set the the read-only option to define a read-only change report.
Studyability report shows incorrect information when using combined offering (ribbon) periods - CUR-1570
The studyability report didn't execute the matching of combined (ribbon) periods properly in case a match of multiple variants and/or advised periods were used. This has been fixed by enhancing the period matching algorithm, so the study-ability report will correctly validate the offering options and report the studyability as expected.
Add filter option to categories in administrator type configuration - CUR-1544
The Administrator type configuration provides the option to categorise the defined type/information. Some of the types will have an extensive amount of categories, e.g. curriculum mapping subjects. A filter has been added to the category section to quickly filter and select the desired category.

HTML preview should show numbered lists - CUR-1555
In case a numbered list has been defined in the HTML editor, the preview did not correctly show this as a numbered list. This has been fixed, so the numbered list can not only be defined, but is also visualised correctly in the HTML preview mode.
Process manager should support filtering on person with role - CUR-1565
In case in the process manager a role is selected and a user is defined to filter all tasks for a specific user in the configured role an error occurred. This had been fixed, so filtering on a combination of role and person is working as expected.
The page template teacher read-only doesn't show all weeks - CUR-1590
When using the page template teacher, the shown report shows all weeks of the planned activity. When using the same page template to define a read-only version, only the first week is shown instead of all the weeks. This has been fixed and both the editable and read-only variant of the teacher template will show all planned weeks.
Improved roll-over process with better support for objects without externalId - CUR-1585
During roll-over all objects and their information is copied over to the new academic year. The roll-over uses the externalId to keep track of the relation of objects over the multiple years, for instance to support the navigation between years for a specific module. Since, based on rules and regulations, it is allowed to change a module code, the module code cannot be used to track the relation. To track the relation the externalId is used.
In case the externalId is not filled / used in the Curriculum configuration the roll-over process will automatically fill the externalId with a value 'CUR-ID-<dbId>' to enable tracking of an object over multiple years. In case the external Id is visible to users, this means the CUR-ID-... is visible and might raise questions. It is good to understand this behaviour is necessary to enable tracking even if the externalId is not populated in the regular process.
Configuration advise:
In case a Curriculum setup is not using the externalId, it is advisable to not leave the externalId empty. This will cause the roll-over process to create externalIds to keep track of the history of a module over multiple academic years. A simple configuration could be to start using the externalId and populate the externalId with for instance the code based on a formula in case it has no value (on Empty).
Extend resource management functionality
The upcoming sprints the resource management functionality is extended in order to manage resources (e.g. location, material, job, ...). The resources will be used in the budget-based cost calculations, to enable cost calculation based on the various used resources. Furthermore reports / insight will be provided when allocation resources in a specific week, that might overrun the available capacity of the resources.
Extend the management of resources to support custom-fields - CUR-1488
The previous release covered an improved and more flexible definition and management of resources. This release extended support for adding resources to modules and activities to allow cost calculation. A new page template is added 'asset-cost' that allows the management of the resource related cost-lines to a module or activity.

The issues mentioned under the section integration are considered as extension, improvements or bug fixes related to the Curriculum API, OOAPI and/or CSV import functionality.
Core integration handles relations using 'ownership typing' - CUR-1554
The Core integration used the standard REST API provided by Core to exchange objects and its standard and optional relations. In case an object was resent, it would update the object fields, drop the existing relations and create all the provided relations. This could cause situations where relations already set manually in Core were deleted. Based on this an update has been made to the Core API to support the update of the object and the update of the relations as separate endpoints. When sending 'relations', they are typed and only the relations of that type will be deleted and re-created. Preventing relations considered as not owned by Curriculum to be deleted.
The Curriculum -> Core integration has been updated to use this new mechanism offered by the Core API.
Subjects populating the learningOutcomes OOAPI element should be kept in order - CUR-1535
The subjects sent using OOAPI are sent via the learningOutcomes element. The sorting in the learningOutcome was not following the defined sequence in Curriculum, but was on alphabetical order. This has been fixed, so the learningOutcomes element will sent the subjects in the correct (defined) sequence,
An integral part of our develop and build processes is automatic scanning for known security vulnerabilities. The vulnerabilities will be fixed based on their impact, which means that in some cases an immediate hot-fix will be applied, and in other cases the vulnerability will be fixed in the current or next Sprint (release). The security section provides an overview of the vulnerabilities mitigated.
During this sprint, no vulnerabilities have been reported that need mitigation:
For more information on reported vulnerabilities, see the central database of vulnerabilities.
For more guidance on configuration and setup of Curriculum, use the relevant Curriculum manual.
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