New release of Admin
Released to production on our new platform (v3) on all regions, this release get us to full coverage of the Java Clients System Settings as well the first full product adoption of the new TimeEdit branding.
Major feature updates
- New TE branding update
- Admin adapted to the new TimeEdit branding regarding icons, colors and general appearance
- Log in flow adapted to the new TimeEdit branding regarding icons, colors and general appearance
- The following configuration pages are now available and found in the left navigation menu under "Configuration" in the top navigation
- Periods: Create and manage time periods
- Holiday Reservations: Create holiday reservations
- Relations: Create and manage relations
- Time Rules: Create and manage Time Rules with filter possibilities
- System Preferences: Set up Support Info, Email Templates, Time Zones & Advanced
- Maintenance: Run system maintenance
- SSO logs are now available with filtering possibilities on date & time, tags & IDs and found in the left menu after expanding "Logs", under "User Management" in the top navigation
Minor features
- Scope & App permissions are now grouped by Product, improving usability when adding them to a user
- Lowered required scope to view import user logs to TE_ADMIN::admin
- Scopes & Permissions are now visible, and possible to filter on, in the user Page
- App switcher now opens new products in a new browser tab, in case the product is missing ability to switch back
Performance improvements & bug fixes
- Cannot clean “Private role” and “Standard organization” fields on Reservation Template is now resolved
- The input component should update immediately when the cursor moves to another field is now resolved
- Multiple select box display “No data” when the user inputs text to search on the Membership page resolved
- Not able to mark the checkbox is now resolved in the Reservation Template page
- Information in the table is not fully displayed is now resolved
- Can’t show all columns of preview table in the Exam settings is now resolved
- Performance issue with updating state is now resolved
- Debouncing input doesn’t trigger properly
- Redundant spaces in the UI is now removed
- Crash when previewing users to be exported/imported is large than ~1000 users is now resolved