New release of Admin
Released to production on our new platform, containing two major new features and a large chunk of minor improvements across the product based on user feedback

New configuration pages
- You can now configure Availability relations, available under Configuration in the top navigation and then in “Availability Relations” in the left navigation
- You can now configure Reservation modes, available under Configuration in the top navigation and then in “Reservation Mode” in the left navigation
Minor features
- More filter options added for the field page
- ‘Clear cache’ possibility for TE Allocate, available in under App Settings in the top navigation
- Possibility to add a recovery email in the detailed user page
- Expand and collapse abilities added to right-click pop-up navigation in Object types table and Organizations table
- Improved import users workflow by displaying the progress, a reload warning and less notifications
Performance improvements & bug fixes
- Performance improvements across for the pages Reservation templates, Fields, Field relations, Field Relations, Object Types, Padding, Dynamic Availability, Organizations & Users
- Several UI issues & improvements fixed: Right-click pop-up menu being wrongly closed, crash when removing field relations type, and 20+ more smaller improvement are being included