Automatic cancellation and confirmation improvements
Confirm reservations without opening the reservation details
The confirm reservation button is now also displayed directly in the My reservations list view.
Confirm button directly available in the My reservations list
Columns in My reservations
You may want to use different columns for your My reservations section that the schedule view. You can now configure this by going to Customize -> Admin -> Content.
Note that you also have a new copy function (read more here), that allows you to copy the field setup from e.g. the Columns in schedule section, making the process of setting up your fields more efficient in case you want to reuse a setup, with some adjustments.
Use the same settings as another page
Under Customize -> Admin -> Special -> Cancel reservation Automatic, you can now choose to use settings already set on another page. This is useful if you have multiple pages using the same set of objects, and you want to keep these rules consistent across your pages.
Bug fixes
Auto cancel: only show on icons on reservations that can be auto cancelled
Copy availability reservations and change time on availability reservations
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