Release note
Release note
March 29, 2024

New release Study Guide 2.15

The release notes provide information on the features and improvements in the specified version.

Updated release schedule

Starting with this sprint, we'll adopt a bi-weekly release cycle, issuing updates every two weeks. The updated release schedule can be found at


Features & Improvements

CONFIGURATION - Multiple parents for each sub tab - SG-118

Enabled the use of a single sub tab across multiple parent tabs, facilitating the configuration of a tab for use on different pages of the same entity type, albeit with varying sub-types. This improvement supports entity types such as study-bachelor, study-minor, and study-major, allowing for consistent sub tab content across these categories.

BUG - Fixed: Special characters not correctly saving - SG-116

Fixed a bug where texts containing special characters were incorrectly converted to "??" upon saving.

BUG - Import year pattern improved - SG-123

Enabled the import of academic years with non-strictly numeric formats, such as '2024-2025', enhancing flexibility in academic planning and record-keeping.

Security improvements

SECURITY - Implemented OWASP CVE - SG-125

Addressed the OWASP security vulnerability CVE-2024-22257.

Check the central database of vulnerabilities for detailed information on each CVE.

Customer unique training

This class is available to receive tailor made for your database set-up. Just fill out the form below and our product expert will get in touch with you to set-up your bespoke class.
I want a bespoke class