New release Study Guide 2.19

The release notes provide information on the features and improvements in the specified version.

New Features & Improvements

BUG - Modules should always be shown in module-group - SG-137

In case a module-group has a combination of both underlying module-groups and modules, the modules were not shown in the structure overview of the module-group details. In the program of study structure overview it was shown correctly. This has been solved so the modules in a module-group are always shown correctly.

USABILITY, CONFIGURATION - New button view for link visualisation - SG-92

A new visualisation (and configuration) option is added to locate and visualise configured links. Until this release links could be added in the right info panel  configuring a field of type link. This new option allows to define a link and display it as a button next to the already shown button(s) above the info panel.

The picture below shows two links configured using the new button style, next to the standard button(s).

Links defined as button are shown above the info panel


To configure the new buttons, the first step is to define the button panel, so the link-buttons can be placed in this panel:

  • Name: the name of the panel, only for administrator purposes
  • Object type: the object type (Study, Module, ...) the button panel is defined for
  • Filter: optional filter to limit the visualisation, for instance only modules of type X
  • Label: not used for buttons
  • Type: Select the new type Buttons
First step is to define the button panel

Once the button panel is configured, the button-type links can be added.
Already defined links in the info panel cannot be moved to the button panel, but need to be reconfigured in the button panel.

The image below shows the button panel with two configured link-buttons.

Button panel with two configured link-buttons

The configuration of a new (or existing) link-button is equal to the definition of fields used in other panels.

Select the option 'Add field' to create or the 'pencil icon' to modify a link-button:

  • Type: the type is 'URL' to configure a link
  • URL: the definition of the link, using context relevant fields ${<fieldName>}, e.g. ${code}
  • Sequence: the order the button is shown. Number 1 is the left most button.
  • Filter: optional filter to limit the visualisation, for instance only modules of type X
  • Label: the text shown in the button
  • Visible: define the visibility of the button

Configure the link to be shown as button-link in the button panel.

Security improvements

No security issues were reported in the last two weeks.

Check the central database of vulnerabilities for detailed information on each CVE.

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