New release Study Guide 2.22

The release notes provide information on the features and improvements in the specified version.

Features & Improvements

This release can be considered as a major change / extension to the study guide by extending the support to use and configure new educational objects (specification, qualification), adding new configuration and filter options and improve the support for displaying related information.

USABILITY, CONFIGURATION - Added support for qualification - SG-179

The qualification has been added to study guide. This includes the automated import of qualification information and providing all the configuration options to manage the visualisation, search and filtering of qualifications. Since qualification is considered a 'main object', the qualification can also be added as a Tab.

Qualification support allows offering qualifications from their own tab

USABILITY, CONFIGURATION - Add new filter option slider to allow select between ranges - SG-215

A new filter options (select and visualisation) has been added that will support selection of a range of options.

Click once to select a single value

After the first click two options are supported:

  • Drag: by selecting the option and then drag, a range can be selected.
  • Click: by selecting, and then click another one, the clicked options are selected (like checkbox selection). The active options are shown bold.
Start clicking or dragging to turn it into a range:

The configuration of a filter for numeric fields, in this case the credits, is shown in the image below.
By the default the slider is shown, but in case the option Exact is selected, the list of options will be shown as selectable options.

Configuration of the credits filter will show the slider

USABILITY, CONFIGURATION - Add support for data range filter - SG-177

A new filter option supporting data range filtering has been added.

The filter will show the option to define:

  • Start date: by only specifying the start date, the select will filter all object with a date > defined date
  • End date: by only specifying the end date, the select will filter all object with a date < defined date
  • Between dates: select both the start and end date to filter between the given dates
The date filter allows filtering after, before and between dates

The configuration of a date filter is similar to the configuration of any filter, just select the value type = Date.

Select the value type = date to configure a date filter

USABILITY, CONFIGURATION - Add additional filter options for periods and parent filtering - SG-174

Besides the filter options mentioned earlier another two filter options have been added.

The first one is the option to add a period filter, that will allow to select for instance all modules given in semester 2.

Period filter supports filtering on periods

The second filter is a more generic filter supporting the configuration and filtering based on parent objects. For instance all studies in a faculty.

The configuration is similar to other filters, but will use the filter type Product and a selected type.

In this release the product support will only work for FACULTY. Support for other 'Product filters' will be added in a later phase.

Use the filter type Product and specify the sub type (FACULTY) to setup a faculty filter on for instance study.

USABILITY, CONFIGURATION - The option to display related objects should be extended - SG-180

The study guide supports the configuration of a field to show either the related module-groups or related studies. E.g. the studies a module is used in.

This 'related objects' configuration option has been extended to support not only the mentioned two, but also support other relations between educational object. This will include relations like qualifications in a study and studies in a qualification.

Same works for the qualification details where we defined a similar links item, but with reference type STUDY

Show the studies that can deliver the selected qualification

The configuration of the widget and the field is not change, only the selectable options in the configuration have.

  • The field type is changed to type: LINKS
  • The target type must now be selected to define what related information should be shown (STUDY, QUALIFICATION, ...)
Configure a field to show all related qualifications

Release validation / configuration:

Validate after the release if the STUDIES link is still functioning correctly and uses the new LINK type with subtype STUDY.
The link type will only replace the current STUDY link, the MODULE-GROUP link is unchanged, since that provides other/different information than the standard link.

USABILITY, CONFIGURATION - Added support for faculty for filter and information widget - SG-197

Support is added for faculty, that enables configuration and handling faculty information in a similar way as a module. This includes the option to add filters and show an information widget.

The faculty tab now supports list view of all faculties

The description shown in the list overview the FACULTY_DESCRIPTION reference with the lowest sequence.

Select “See more” to show the faculty detail.

The faculty detail page supports the standard widget config, including the information widget

The faculty page is configurable using widgets, as standard for the other pages (studies, modules, ...).
The page also supports switching academic years and printing.

The current behaviour of showing the faculty information page wide is still supported, which means if there is only one faculty, the faculties tab will automatically open that faculty detail page.

USABILITY, CONFIGURATION - Added support to display information from related objects in widget - SG-178

In some cases it is handy (or required) to display information from a related object on the detail information page. For instance display information defined on the specification on the detailed study page.

The image below shows the information on the Curriculum Studies study program, and includes some information from the Specification in the detailed section.

Specification information is shown on the study detail page

The information to show and where to show the information is configurable as a widget that defines what fields should be shown from the related object (in this case te SPECIFICATION).

Configure a specification widget with the code, name and a description

After configuring the widget, it must be added to the relevant widget / page. In this case we will add it to the Study general section.

Note that the administrator during configuration will see all defined widget to choose from. This doesn't mean that each of the defined widgets will actually work and show data on (in this case) the study. The related objects will only work from a hierarchy with a 1-1 relation between child and parent, in this case a study has one (parent) specification.

Configure the page by selecting the relevant widgets

USABILITY, CONFIGURATION - The displayed information in the study structure list should be configurable - SG-175

The information shown in the study structure page in the module list was pre-configured. This has been modified, so the administrator can now configure what fields to show in this list of modules.

The image below shows the period, phase and description as module information on the structure page. The code and name will stay pre-configured.

The image below shows the configuration of the widget of type Structure.
In this example only the offering period information is configured to be shown next to the default code and name.

The fields to show in the structure view can be configured

BUG, USABILITY - Selected parent tab should be marked as active tab - SG-212

The selected parent tab, e.g. studies or modules, were not always correctly marked as the active (selected) tab. This has been solved.

BUG, CONFIGURATION - Change of the parent tab order should not effect widget order - SG-156

In case the parent (tab) order and the widget order were equal and the parent tab (or widget) order was changed, both the order of the parent and widget were changed. This has been solved, so a change in order of either of the two will no longer affect the other one.

BUG - Fixed: Offering period information is not shown- SG-176

Offering period information was not always shown correctly, in some cases no period information was shown. This has been solved.

Security improvements

And yet again we had a sprint (release) with no security fixes.
This is breaking the trend of having a security fix in each sprint (release), like we had last year.

Check the central database of vulnerabilities for detailed information on each CVE.

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