Release note
Release note
July 19, 2024

New release Study Guide 2.23

The release notes provide information on the features and improvements in the specified version.

Features & Improvements

After the previous major release with a lots of new functionality, this release can be considered as a tidy-up and fine-tuning of all these goodies.

USABILITY, CONFIGURATION - Added support for markdown visualisation - SG-211

Support for visualisation of descriptions styled using markdown has been added.

Configuration: Change the parameter description.format to markdown

Set the description.format to markdown to enable visualisation of markdown styled texts

CONFIGURATION - Link and information share between specification and qualification - SG-236

The relationship between qualification and specification can now be used in showing a mixture of information from both the linked qualification and specification:

  • Usages: show all qualifications linke to a specification
  • Fields: show a mixture of fields on the same page of a qualification and specification information
A mixture of fields from both qualification and specification is shown in the content section

USABILITY, CONFIGURATION - Added support for filters on specification and qualification - SG-239

The filter options have been extended to support both specification and qualification fields.

BUG, USABILITY - Fixed the sorting of filter options - SG-231

Fixed a bug where the configured sequence was not respected in the filter display. The options are again filtered on the configured reference sequence.

BUG, USABILITY- Study quick-view (default text shown in search list) should not be random - SG-233

Fixed a bug where the text shown unfolding the study information in the study search result list was random picked from any of the existing descriptions.

The first available description with text will again be preferred, based on the configured reference sequence.

BUG, USABILITY - Module-groups without code should be clickable - SG-181

Fixed a bug where module-groups without a code were not clickable and could not be expanded to show the underlying structure and information. The module-groups without code will be clickable.

BUG, ADMINISTRATION - Editing existing users is broken- SG-228

The option to edit existing users in the study guide was broken. This has been fixed, so users can now be edited again.

PERFORMANCE, USABILITY - Performance improvement implemented for study detail/structure page - SG-227

The loading time of the study detail page and study structure page has been improved by not pre-loading the entire study structure including all modules,.
The loading will now only load the structure without modules and only load the modules on expand of a module-group / module-groups.

USABILITY, CONFIGURATION - Default use the name when showing field values - SG-237, SG-232, SG-230

For fields the default was to show the code, e.g. faculty, offering, period code instead of the name.

This has been changed, so now the value that has more meaning for students, will be shown by default.

USABILITY, CONFIGURATION - Added support to configure display for field values - SG-187

When displaying fields the system default shows the name of the field (value).

This has been changed to enable configuration how the field information should be shown.

Configurable display of field values is supported

Configuration: Define the display format to overwrite the default (name only) using parameters ${name} and ${code} on all fields.

Configuration to show the above layout is configured using the Format option

USABILITY, CONFIGURATION - Added support to configure display for method values - SG-235, SG-195

As an extension to the configuration support for all fields, the display configuration options for method has been extended.

Configurable display of methods is supported

The displayed value is configureable in the references with type 'METHOD_TYPE' by using:

  • the previous mentioned parameters ${name} and ${code}
  • the additional parameters ${type}, ${credits}, ${contactHours}
Configuration to show the above layout is configured using the Format option

Security improvements

And yet again we had a sprint (release) with no security fixes.
This is breaking the trend of having a security fix in each sprint (release), like we had last year.

Check the central database of vulnerabilities for detailed information on each CVE.

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