Release note
Release note
January 24, 2024

New release Curriculum 10.10

The release notes provide information on the features and improvements in the specified version.

Extend person additional

USABILITY, CONFIGURATION - Enable extension of the person object with additional fields - CUR-203
Extension of the person object with additional fields is supported. The 'base' definition of the person will be unchanged, with all integration options, but the option is added to use the custom field configuration to add new custom fields as additional information to a person.

The functional goal is that this information can be used in reporting, for instance provide insight in the qualification of each lecturer used in my programme. But also in selecting persons based on their specific skills, e.g. search for a lecturer that has in-depth knowledge on Greek history.

The first implementation supports the following functions:

  • Enable the administrator to extend the person object with additional fields, similar to how it is offered in all other objects.
  • Allow authorised user to define/modify the information of a person that is defined as additional fields
  • Enable reporting on persons and filter on the defined custom fields, including the option to save report and filter as a standard template

The default configuration (no security defined) will hide all additional fields and the personal Number, to prevent access to possibly sensitive data.Specific authorization rules (VIEW_PERSONS, EDIT_PERSONS) have been introduced to limit the access to the report and the option to add/change the additional person information.The person object is extended with a Faculty identifier to enable access restriction to persons based on faculty (only edit, view persons in a 'my' faculty).

Standard integration with TE Core

INTEGRATION - Standard (configurable) integration from TE Curriculum to TE Core - CUR-205
A standardised interface with TE Core is released that allows for the exchange of curriculum data to TE Core.

The interface is configurable to support the specific customer requirements on for instance optionalRelations and relations in TE Core used for filtering and clash control. Also the exchanged attributes on the different object, e.g. course, are configurable.

Currently the configuration will be a joined effort where only the TE administrator can define and alter the configuration, but in the near future the configuration will be opened up in the Administrator menu to enable configuration by the institution administrator.

Workload planning

USABILITY, REPORTING - New workload planning report providing insight on hours per type and per offering period - CUR-254
A new report is needed to be added to provide insight in:

  • Calculated hours grouped per educational task tag (e.g. education, research, …). Next to the hours grouped per tag also the generic information for ‘all hours’ and 'total allocated hours' are shown.
  • Support reporting per offering period, to enable switching between a year (standard) and the defined periods.


  • Use the new workload-report page in configuration this report
  • Select the option show the periods with planning to enable the period selection.

More improvements and bug fixes

USABILITY - When creating new modules a warning should be given in case there is a historic match - CUR-204
When creating a new module a warning will be given in case there is a historic match on an earlier used module codes or module names.

To configure this option:

  • the custom field 'unique value' configuration for code and name should be set on the respective custom fields
  • import the historic values using the CSV import (select import type GENERATED_VALUE)

The match will be on the combination of the historic values and actual codes/names in TE Curriculum.

BUG - Bug when adding module group to an existing module group - CUR-263
This bug gave a system error with technical failure message, and prevented adding a module group to an existing module group has been solved.

USABILITY - Corrected display of text fields used in rows pages - CUR-214
When using text fields in rows pages they where not shown correctly. This has been fixed to show the text fields similar to how they are shown on the other pages.

USABILITY - Create module will use the labels defined on module custom fields - CUR-224
Creating a new module always used the generic (fallback) labels for the different fields. This has been changed to use the defined labels on the module custom field configuration and use the generic labels as fallback in case no custom field labels have been defined.

USABILITY - Adding a module-group or module shows tab existing even if no adding is supported - CUR-229
The validation of showing the existing tab has been altered to validate if adding any existing module group or module type is supported.

In case none of the module group or module types is supported for the module-group a module/module group is added, the user will be informed properly.

USABILITY, INTEGRATION - Undefined boolean fields must have a default value of false instead of null - CUR-242
A change is applied to support Boolean fields to have a default value.

Configuration: Define a boolean field to be required, which will cause the boolean field to have a default value of false in case no default true has been configured.

INTEGRATION - OOAPI request provide too much information by including deleted objects - CUR-2
OOAPI requests included deleted objects. This has been fixed, so the OOAPI requests will only provide the 'actual' information and not include deleted objects.

USABILITY - Links defined in text pages using custom-fields should be URL-escaped - CUR-257
In case the text page is used to define a link using fields from TE Curriculum, the used fields will be URL-escaped.

Customer unique training

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