August 14, 2024

Curriculum: configure curriculum mapping

Curriculum mapping is a powerful option in Curriculum to get qualitative insight in the build-up of your curriculum, the leaning outcomes at the different levels, the match-up to the final qualification, the usage of the (right) assessment types, definition of the learning goals at module level that in combination with the assessment-scheme provide an in-depth scheme for student knowing how they are tested, weighting and learning goals covered in the test. This guide will show a practical example of the different options. It is based on an almost successful attempt at the TE Summit to define 8 pages and reports showing all the capabilities within 50 minutes.

Before we start

Before we go into the actual configuration first we will explain what the end-result of the configuration will be, including some visual samples.

The pages and configuration options that are used are just standard configuration options that are covered in the respective guides.

In this case we will work top-down and down-top in two phases.

  • Define the pages to register the data at study and module
    • Module: Subjects - Page to define the learning outcomes of the module
    • Module: Subjects - Page to define the paths contributed by this module (same page template, different page)
    • Module: Objectives - Page to define the learning goals of a module, including the relationship to learning outcome and assessment
    • Module: Appraisals - Page to show the test-plan, including learning goals
    • Study: Subjects - Page to define the learning outcomes for the study
  • Define the report pages at study and module to visualise the result
    • Study: Subject-matrix - Report showing relation between learning goals at Study and contributing modules
    • Study: Subject-matrix - Report showing the test types used for the modules in the study (same page template, different page)
    • Study: Planboard - Planboard showing the path through the study by selecting the relevant path.

Where do subjects come from

Before we can assign learning outcomes, they must be available in the system. Subjects can be defined at three levels:

  • Administration -> Subjects - Define the subjects at central level, so the entire university is using the same set. This is specifically used in case, for instance Skills are assigned, since they might use the same basic set and definitions.
  • Study -> Subject-types - The page (template) that supports definition of the subjects at the level of the Study. They can be shared, but typically they are bound to the Study and only used in the context of the study.
  • Faculty -> Subject-types - The page (template) that supports definition of the subjects at the level of the Faculty. They are typically shared and used by the studies in the faculty.

An option can be to use a combination of the above mentioned options. For instance use the Faculty level to define the domain-shared subjects and the Study level to define the subjects that are specific to that study.

The assumption is that the above configuration is done and a set of subjects for selection is available in the systeem.

The categories learning outcomes and learning paths are defined at system level

Assign the learning outcomes (subjects) to the module

First we start by configuring the Subject page for the Module, that allow us to assign the learning outcomes and learning paths to the module.

It is just the standard definition of a page, based on the page template (route) Subjects.

The specific used configuration options are:

  • Category - Limit the page to only manage the subjects of the given category, in this case the TE Summit Outcomes.
  • Type - Limit the page to only manage subjects of a specific type. In this case both the Outcomes and Paths are using the same type, so just defining the type would not be enough, the category restriction is added on top.
Define the Subject page to manage the module learning outcomes.

Depending on the configuration different views/options can be given to the user, as shown below.

Subject management of the category TE Summit Outcomes only
Subject management of the category TE Summit Learning Path only
Subject management, not category specified

To allow users to have access to the defined pages (as shown in some of the examples above), the pages can be added to the tabular view.
The Learning outcomes related pages are covered in this section, the two remaining pages will follow later.

The module will show 5 different pages in the Curriculum mapping sub-menu configured in this guide

Enable registration of learning goals (objectives)

Now we have enabled the assignment of subjects (learning outcomes) to the module, we can add the next page that enables the definition of the learning goals.

We will used the Objectives page for the Module, that allow us to define the learning goals (objectives) and their relation with learning outcomes (subjects) and assessments.

It is just the standard definition of a page, based on the page template (route) Objectives.

The specific used configuration options are:

  • Category - Limit the page to assessments of the selected category
  • Show assessment code - Show both the assessment code and name, instead of only the name
  • Show subject code - Show both the subject code and name, instead of only the name
  • Select all subjects - Enable selection of any subject defined in the system
  • Show inactive - Show inactive (deleted / ended) objectives
  • Hide assessment - Hide the assessment selection options
  • Hide subject - Hide the subject selection option
Define the Objective page to manage the module learning goals.

From a user perspective the configured page looks like the example below.

Objective definition, including relations with learning outcome (subject) and assessments

Using the pencil, the user can manage the defined learning goal.

Learning goals (objectives) can contribute to multiple learning outcomes (subjects) AND can be tested in multiple assessments.

The test plan

The final configuration step at the module is the definition of the Test plan page. This is the page that brings it all together at Module level.

defiWe will use the Appraisal page for the Module, that allows to define the assessment scheme and its relation with learning goals (objectives), learning outcomes (subjects) and assessments. More information on configuration of appraisals is covered in the special guide on this subject.

It is just the standard definition of a page, based on the page template (route) Appraisals.

The specific used configuration options are:

  • Disable navigate - Disable navigation, to prevent opening the Appraisal or Assessment object in the tabular view
  • Category - Show only information from the defined category.
  • Child page - Define the child page of the appraisal tree.
Define the Appraisal page to show the test plan.

From a user perspective the configured page looks like the example below.

The test plan brings it all together.

It's a good practice to do all of the above steps and validate, before continuing at study level where it is all brought together.

The page to enable the management of the learning outcomes (subjects) the study will deliver is exactly the same as the configuration done in section 3 (Assign the learning outcomes (subjects) to the module). Except that in this case the page is configured to be used in the context of a Study.

In this case it is just the standard page template Subjects, without any configuration.

The same configuration options as explained and used for the Module pages is available for Study too.

Define the Subject page to manage the study learning outcomes.

Depending on the configuration different views/options can be given to the user, as shown below.

Subject management at study level, not category specified

To allow users access to the defined pages (as shown in some of the examples above), the pages can be added to the tabular view.
The Learning outcomes (subjects) page is covered in this section, the remaining pages will follow in the next sections.

The study will show 6 different pages in the Curriculum mapping sub-menu configured in this guide

Bring it all together using the Learning outcome Matrix report

Now all plumbing is done, we can start defining the different reports.
We will kick-off with the matrix report that provides insight in the learning outcomes (subjects) defined at study level versus the learning outcomes (subjects) defined at module, including the level.

It is just the standard definition of a page, based on the page template (route) Subject-matrix.

The specific used configuration options are:

  • Type - Limit the Subject type used in the report to the specified type. This enables definition of different reports covering different types.
  • Show phase - Show phase (module-group) information in the matrix as a separate column.
  • Show periods - Show period (module) information in the matrix as a separate column.
    Using the tabs Group columns and Module columns additional columns can be added by dragging the field to be shown from the available fields to the fields to be shown.
  • Show structure - Show the matrix report including the study structure information
  • Sticky headers - Use sticky headers, so the top part with the learning outcomes stays visible when scrolling down.
  • Expand filters - Default open the 'Filters' section
  • Display type - Select the display type of the subject matrix, e.g. subjects and scales (Scales) or Assessments.
Configure the subject matrix for the study to provide insight in learning outcome coverage

The above configuration will offer the following report.

Subject matrix with tree view showing information to the user, including filter and select options.

The menu shows a second tab just saying learning outcomes. In this case it is the same configuration as the shown subject-matrix configuration, only the Show structure is not set.

The user can expand the learning outcome to validate what learning goals are contributing to the learning outcome.

Subject matrix without study structure provides a more condensed view

Bring it all together using the Assessment Matrix report

The next report is again a matrix report. This one provides insight in the learning outcomes (subjects) defined at study level versus the assessments defined at module.

It is just the standard definition of a page, based on the page template (route) Subject-matrix.

The specific used configuration options are:

  • Type - Limit the Subject type used in the report to the specified type. This enables definition of different reports covering different types.
  • Show phase - Show phase (module-group) information in the matrix as a separate column.
  • Show periods - Show period (module) information in the matrix as a separate column.
    Using the tabs Group columns and Module columns additional columns can be added by dragging the field to be shown from the available fields to the fields to be shown.
  • Show structure - Show the matrix report including the study structure information
  • Sticky headers - Use sticky headers, so the top part with the learning outcomes stays visible when scrolling down.
  • Expand filters - Default open the 'Filters' section
  • Display type - Select the display type of the subject matrix, e.g. subjects and scales (Scales) or Assessments.
Configure the subject matrix for the study to provide insight in assessments

The above configuration will offer the following report.

Subject matrix with tree view showing information to the user, including filter and select options.

The same options are applicable for the assessment overview. This can also be shown without the tree structure.

Insight in learning outcomes, levels and used testing methods

The next report is an objective report. This report provides insight in the modules, the learning goals (goals), assessment types, learning outcomes (subjects) and the defined level.

It is just the standard definition of a page, based on the page template (route) Objective-report.

The specific used configuration options are:

  • Type - Limit the Subject type used in the report to the specified type. This enables definition of different reports covering different types.
Configure the objective report for the study to provide insight in assessments and learning outcome levels

The above configuration will offer the following report.

The curriculum manager can validate if the correct assessment type is used in relation to the level. The Search and filter options can be used for quick filtering the list.

The Objective-report will provide insight in used assessment types versus the level

Visualize the path through your curriculum via the planboard view

The final report is the planboard view that is used to highlight the study path using the defined subjects.

It is just the standard definition of a page, based on the page template (route) Study-planboard.

The specific used configuration options are:

  • Show print - Enable the print button that will provide a pretty print preview.
  • Extra attributes - The subjects are selected, so they are shown with a color indicator in the module widget.
  • Subject type - Limit the Subject type used in the report to the specified type. This enables definition of different reports covering different types.
Configure the planboard for the study to provide insight in the study paths

The above configuration will offer the following report, providing the option to validate if the paths are defined correctly using the filter options.

Select your desired path, and the relevant modules are highlighted

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