August 17, 2023

How to configure and manage reference lists

Configure self-defined reference lists

The administrator can freely add own reference lists to TE Curriculum. These reference lists can be assigned to attributes on the different objects, for instance an education location for a study or a module.

Select the option References in the administrator menu to get an overview and configure the reference lists.

Overview of the self-defined reference lists

Click on a defined reference list, or select the New or Delete button to manage the settings.

The 'header' shows an option to manage the values in the elements (reference) list (Elements) and to manage so-called conditional lists via the Lists option.

Reference list configuration, including an overview of the reference list items

Different configuration options are supported:

  • External ID - Unique key for this reference list. The external ID is used for exchanging information.
  • Code - The 'short description' for the textual representation in the administrator screens
  • Name - Name to identify the list (for the administrator).

Click on a defined reference item, or select the Add or Delete button to manage the settings.

Configure the reference list item

Different configuration options are supported:

  • External ID - Unique key for this reference list item. The external ID is used for exchanging information.
  • Code - The code for this reference list item
  • Name - Name to of the list item (shown to the user)
  • Sequence - A specific order in which the list can be shown. In case multiple conditions are true, the first is picked.
  • Start date - The date from which this reference list item will be available for selection by users
  • End date - The date until which this reference list item will be available for selection by users

Configure system provided reference lists

Besides the self-defined reference lists a second option is provided to manage reference lists. These are lists (accessible via the menu options Elements) that are considered as predefined lists that are used by specific functionality or screens in TE Curriculum.
The management of these reference list values is equal to the management of the self-defined reference lists, only the 'code' and 'external id' are not mutable.

The predefined element lists can be selected via the pull-down menu. In the image below the element list for the module descriptions is selected and shown.

Select a system defined element list to see the list items

The 'header' shows an option to manage the values in the elements (reference) list (Elements) and to manage so-called conditional lists via the Lists option.

Click on a defined reference item, or select the Add or Delete button to manage the settings.

Different configuration options are supported:

  • External ID - Unique key for this element list item. The external ID is used for exchanging information.
  • Code - The code for this element list item
  • Name - Name of the list item (shown to the user)
  • Sequence - A specific order in which the list can be shown. In case multiple conditions are true, the first is picked.
  • Start date - The date from which this reference list item will be available for selection by users
  • End date - The date until which this reference list item will be available for selection by users

Some additional configuration options are supported based on the underlying type of the selected element list:

  • Required (description type only) - Indicator if this text box is required to be filled in by the user.
  • Tooltip display type (description type only) - Indicator how a tooltip should be shown (small text underneath label or mouse-over)
  • Tooltip text (description type only) - The tooltip text to be shown
  • Maximum number of characters (description type only) - The maximum number of characters the text can be
  • Operation (description type only) - Option to secure this field and limit the data entry or even visualisation based on a specific security operation.

Specific elements

A number of element lists available have a specific role in the system configuration and are not just 'lists' provided to end users. The table below provides an overview of the most import elements including their specific meaning.

  • Module description - The chapters (text blocks) defined and offered on module level for entering data by the user.
  • Module group description - The chapters (text blocks) defined and offered on module group level for entering data by the user.
  • Study description - The chapters (text blocks) defined and offered on study level for entering data by the user.
  • Faculty description - The chapters (text blocks) defined and offered on faculty level for entering data by the user.

Configure conditional filtered reference lists

A reference list offer the option to define subsets of the original list that are shown based on a condition.
This is explained based on a list of countries.

A self-defined reference list with European countries as reference items

Via the 'lists' menu-option the list can be configured as separate views on the initial list.

The screenshot below shows the country list where a sub-list (view) is defined that only contains a specific set of the configured countries.

Configuration of a conditional list of the EU that contains a subset of all European countries

Click on the Add button to add a new 'conditional configuration' for the initial list, or select Edit to modify an already defined configuration.

Configure the conditional reference list.

Different configuration options are supported:

  • Name - Name to identify the list (for the administrator).
  • Sequence - A specific order in which the list can be shown. In case multiple conditions are true, the first is picked.
  • Condition - The condition (expression) that defines when this list should be used, e.g. :moduleTypeId = 'bachelor' or :area = 'EU'.
  • Items - Filter and select the items that should be added to this specific conditional list (view).

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