Feature description
August 16, 2024

Explanation of Error codes in Autopilot

This is an overview description of the various Error codes and messages that can be returned by the Autopilot.

Error codes

1 - Unknown error

Unspecified error    

This is an unexpected error. Some details might be provided for individual activities. One example is that an Activity does not match a Reservation Template.

2 - Parsing error

Unspecified error

This means that it was not possible to load the activities into the Autopilot. If this error happens there is probably some corruption in the data. Please contact Time Edit Support for further investigation

1000 - TE Server Error

Unspecified error

This error is received when the Autopilot tries to make a reservation which was rejected by the server.

The details are described in the error message on the affected activities .

Trying to schedule inactive objects will give this error message

1001 - TE Server Connection Error

Unspecified error

The Autopilot was unable to connect to the server. This should not happen, so if this error is received, please contact Time Edit Support for further investigation.

2000 - Specified date range was not available

Constraint Violation


The Autopilot was unable to find a place for the reservation within the date, week or date range of the Activity.

This message is only returned when the "Match Date Ranges" constraint is set to Soft.

2001 - Specified week day was not available

Constraint Violation


The Autopilot was unable to find a place for the reservation on the specified weekday.

This message is only returned when the "Match Weekday" constraint is set to Soft.

2002 - Specified time of day was not available

Constraint Violation


The Autopilot was unable to find a place for the reservation on the specified time of day.

This message is only returned when the "Match Exact Time" constraint is set to Soft.

2003 - Could not comply with sequence padding

Constraint Violation


The Autopilot was unable to find a place for the reservation while taking activity padding into consideration.

This message is only returned when the "Consider Activity Padding" constraint is set to Hard or Soft.

2005 - Specified sequence order was not possible

Constraint Violation


The Autopilot was unable to find a place for the reservation while taking activity sequence into consideration.

This message is only returned when the "Match Sequence Order" constraint is set to Hard or Soft.

2006 - Could not comply with soft availability

Constraint Violation


The Autopilot was unable to find a place for the reservation while taking soft availability into consideration. Soft availability is availability that manual schedulers can override. All other availability is "hard" and can never be overridden by the autopilot.

This message is only returned when the "Consider Soft Availability" constraint is set to Hard or Soft.

2007 - Could not comply with soft membership

Constraint Violation


The Autopilot was unable to find a place for the reservation while taking soft memberships into consideration. Soft memberships are optional memberships in the data model.

This message is only returned when the "Consider Soft Membership" constraint is set to Hard or Soft.

2008 - Could not comply with specified field value rule

Constraint Violation


The Autopilot was unable to find an available object that matches the Field constraints.

This message is only returned when the "Match Field Value Rule" constraint is set to Soft.

2009 - Could not schedule activities in the same time of day / day of week

Deviation Constraint Violation


The Autopilot was unable to find an available spot in the schedule that fits all activities across all weeks, for the group defined by the Deviation Constraint.

This message is only returned when the "Time Deviation" constraint is set to Hard or Soft.

2010 - Exceeded max deviations for same time

Deviation Constraint Violation


The Autopilot was unable to keep the deviations under the allowed value as defined by the "Max # of deviations" setting in the Time Deviation constraint.

This message is only returned when the "Time Deviation" constraint is set to Soft.

2012 - Could not schedule activities using the same object

Deviation Constraint Violation


The Autopilot was unable to find an available spot in the schedule for all activities across all weeks, for the group defined by the Deviation Constraint, that can have the same object.

This message is only returned when the "Object Deviation" constraint is set to Hard or Soft.

2011 - Exceeded max deviations for same object

Deviation Constraint Violation


The Autopilot was unable to keep the deviations under the allowed value as defined by the "Max # of deviations" setting in the Object Deviation constraint.

This message is only returned when the "Object Deviation" constraint is set to Soft.

2013 - Could not keep the specified fields fixed

Deviation Constraint Violation


The Autopilot was unable to find objects for all activities in the series where the specified field values where kept the same.

This message is only returned when the "Object Deviation" constraint is set to Soft.

2014 - Could not schedule activity with this object combination

Constraint Violation


The Autopilot was unable to find a place for the reservation using the objects assigned to it, either beforehand or objects selected using filters, since they would cause a conflict.

2015 - Could not find object that matches the specified filter criteria

Constraint Violation


The Autopilot was unable to find an available object for the activity using object filters, in combination with all other constraints.

2017 - Could not comply with reservation padding

Constraint Violation


The Autopilot was unable to find a place for the reservation without placing it where some of its objects have padding conflicts.

2018 - No object assigned to the object filter

Constraint Violation


This means that for some reason the Autopilot did not assign an object even though it found an available object.

2019 - Could not comply with hard availability

Constraint Violation


The Autopilot was unable to find a place for the reservation without placing it where some of its objects where unavailable.

2020 - Could not comply with hard membership

Constraint Violation


The Autopilot was unable to find a place for the reservation without placing it where some of its objects have members with conflicts.

2021 - Could not match the exact field value rule

Constraint Violation


This message means that the Autopilot was not able to match the Field value rule exactly.

2022 - Could not schedule all activities in the series

Constraint Violation


This message means that if activities are grouped in the Deviation Constraint section, and one of the activities in the group is unable to be scheduled, all activities in the group fail as well. This is done to keep the group of activities intact; either schedule all of them or none of them.

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