July 1, 2024

How to book and manage Invigilators

In this part, we will go through how to book an invigilator in Exam and how to manage bookings once they are scheduled.

Scheduling/Booking an Invigilator

Go to the supervisor overview in the left menu bar.

1. Start by searching and select a day in date search

2. Scroll and choose a room in supervisor overview

3. Click on meatball menu for chosen room

4. Search and filter for requirements for invigilator

5. (if needed) Edit length for chosen invigilator

6. When you have scheduled all invigilator to a room you can decide on which supervisor that can be lead in that room

Now you booked invigilators to a room and they all have the starus of preliminary which means that they are preliminary booked.

Statuses and sendning booking request to Invigilators

All booking has a status to know where in the process it is

  • Preliminary  - an initial placeholder for the booking - you can move this around as you want without the invigilator seeing it.
  • Pending -  the booking request is awaiting review and confirmation from the invigilator. 
  • Accepted - the invigilator has confirmed their availability and commitment to the scheduled appointment.
  • Declined - The state for booking requests that are declined by the invigilator, blocking their availability for that time slot and recorded as declined in system statistics.
  • Expired - If a booking request isn't confirmed within a set timeframe, it becomes expired, no longer valid, and the time slot is released for other bookings.
  • Cancelled -  representing bookings that were initially pending or accepted but have been canceled by an administrator, making them available for other bookings.

Sending request

When you have done your scheduling and are pleased with the way it looks you can choose to send booking request to invigilator. Either you can do this one by one by clicking on the menu on each role and then send mail

You can also do this in batch by selecting all invigilator with no email sent, then go to actions and send mail

You then get the option to choose how many days the invigilator has to accept the booking before it get expired - A reminder mail will automatically be sent one day before the booking gets expired.

Pending bookings

the pending bookings awaits confirmation from invigilator, you can always accept on behalf of the invigilator or move the booking to another room (more about this in a later section.

Accepted/Declined booking

Once the invigilator has accepted the booking its now confirmed and done, if the invigilator decides to not work this shift they can decline the booking and then the booking will disappear from the supervisor overview

Moving and managing invigilator bookings.

  • When moving invigilators from one booking to another this is preferably done from the supervisor overview. 
    • Note that if an invigiliator has blocking on selected date/time moved to this will not show until the drag n drops been performed

It's very easy to move around invigilators from the supervisor overview, simple drag n drop the invigilator from one room and date to another. The action and what happens is dependent on the status of the booking in the workflow:

If the invigilator have a blocking or for some reason not is available for the requested time it will not be moved

If the booking is preliminary you can move it as you wish since these booking are not yet shown for invigilators

If the booking is pending, then a new booking request is initiated for the invigilator to accept the new booking parameters - note that you can opt out on sending an updated reqeust in the modal that shows up when moving the invigilator

If the booking is accepted this will trigger the booking back to a pending booking and a new booking request will be sent out - note that you can opt out on sending an updated reqeust in the modal that shows up when moving the invigilator

The tab for email status will show you the latest action and mail that been sent to the invigilator

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