User management in new Admin
- In this lesson:
- 1How to create a user
- 2How to duplicate a user
- 3Comparing users
- 4Filtering in the user list
- 5See full scopes & app permission per user
- 6Setting up authentication for users
- 7Adding permissions & organizations to users
- 8Adding user objects to users
- 9Adding columns for user objects
- 10Importing users
- 11
How to create a user
- Click on the “Create” button and fill in basic credentials
- First name
- Last name
- Email*
- Username*
- User name and email does not have to be the same on the TE IdP
How to duplicate a user
- Right click and choose “Duplicate” to create a new user with the same settings
- Edit the following fields
- First name
- Last name
- Email*
- Username*
- User name and email does not have to be the same on the TE IdP
Comparing users
- Click on a user to open up the profile
- Right click on another user and choose “Compare” to be able to see two users at once
Filtering in the user list
- You can filter User by
- Active (Y/N)
- Visibility
- Auth config (SSO/TE idP)
- Scopes
- App permissions
- Locked (if the user is locked for external authentication, will have customized settings)
- Free search for name of user
See full scopes & app permission per user
- You can hover to get a quick overview of what Scopes and App permission the user has
Setting up authentication for users
- Choose Authentication config
- If you choose TE IdP, then also enter a password
Adding permissions & organizations to users
- Add “Scope” of app the user will have access to and the permission level
- Add (if needed) “App permission” the user will have access to
- Add Organziation node and role (examples)
- Top node -Guest
- Profile scheduler - Scheduler
- Usergroup Scheduler - Scheduler
- TE Viewer - Guest
- Etc
Note: How the organization tree is built and what a user needs was set up during the implementation
Adding user objects to users
- Click “Add object”
- Choose object type
- Search for object
- Select and add object
Adding columns for user objects
- Click “Edit columns”
- Select the object type you want to see the columns for
- Click “OK”
Importing users
Create template
- Select a user to use as template
- Click on “Template”
- Download file
Add users to import template
- Can be done for instance in Excel or other tools where csv-format is supported
- Copy the permissions
- Add new email, first and last nam
- To inactivate users, put a value in the "inactiveSince" column
Importing the users from template
- Click on “Import’”
- Choose file to upload
- Select TE idP or SSO
- Click on “Import’”